Welcome to
Keith Speegle
Design Studios.

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Here is a small sampling of our print work.

View Our Print Portfolio


Here is a small sampling of our web work.

View Our Web Portfolio
Apps And Course Building

Apps And Course Building

Here is a small sampling of our app and course designs.

View Our App and Course Layouts


6 Keys to an Effective, Productive and Profitable Day

Do you ever feel like a squirrel running from branch to branch, up and down trees, on the ground with no real direction? Wouldn't you rather be a lioness - focused, determined and ready for action?...

How to Create a Powerful Video that Will Convert More Clients

When it comes to online marketing, there is nothing that compares to video. In fact Hubspot’s 2016 State of Inbound Report says that, “43% of consumers want to see more video from marketers in the...
